Ask Ky Pfleider
A recreational playground for those looking to hunt, fish, play, and build a cabin! The 2-acre spring fed pond still holds plenty of water in the middle of one of the driest times on record. This body of water is known not only to water the cattle but to hold big fish and roost a number of ducks and geese as well! In the past, electricity has been brought in toward the south end of the pond where the thick timber gives way to a nice opening. This portion of the property would make an excellent place to build your home away from home, as it appears to be an already established area with an old set of corrals, shed, bins, electricity, etc, not far from the water's edge!
The railroad tracks cut through this property leaving 120+/- acres on the north side and 40+/- acres on the south side of the tracks. The south portion of the property is made up of 2 CRP contracts of roughly 14 acres a piece, paying out an average of $1085 per year. There is an underpass big enough for cattle to travel through under the tracks and an additional 12 acres of real estate on the south side that is made up of cedars and thickets for the big bucks to hide. This property has a nice rolling terrain to it with good grass, sporadic thickets, and adequate timber, along with plenty of water to hold, grow, and harvest big bucks, upland birds, and waterfowl! This property can check off a lot of boxes, come see it for yourself!
Located just 1 mile west and 1 mile north of McWillie, Oklahoma off of Highway 45.